22 February 2025 Last updated at 03:25 GMT


Why you are not married... yet

There is so much being written about why people and in particular women, are not married.

For us singles out there, while we may be the ones who buy the books, read the articles, watch the movies and absorb anything that will give us answers to why we haven't gone down a traditional route - I am sure I can speak for most of us who draw in a deep sigh everytime we see a headline that remotely resembles where we are in life.


What We Can Learn From Our Mothers

In Australia, it's Mother's Day today.

A day that we show appreciation for our Mother's and tell them how important they are to our lives.

My Mother is an interesting woman. She is highly religious, has an incredible sense of resilience and shows compassion to people around her like no-one I have never seen before.


Positivity : How onwards and upwards is the only way

I'm a fairly positive person. I like to look on the bright side of things and rarely fall prey to thinking that something cannot be done. I see hurtles as being part of the big adventure and I never shy away from taking on a road block and working around it to achieve what I set out to achieve.


If nothing changes, nothing changes.

A few months ago, I was walking in the park. Seagulls were flying around above me. It was a weird place for them to be as the park is situated at least 10 kilometres from the ocean.

As I looked up, I decided to capture the moment.

The seagulls flew off and I began to think...


Divorce - it's never easy

If you are tweeter, and you follow Marketing Eye or Amanda Rose for that matter, you may have seen some dialogue about us joining force to write a blog about divorce.

Rather than put our stories together all at once, we have decided to put together a blog that will change over the next few hours. I will share my wisdom (or lack of) with you and Amanda, a well-known radio host, article writer, commentator and brand marketing consultant, will add her thoughts. BTW. Amanda and I have never met or worked together, other than communicating through a shared passion for social media.


21 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

I woke up this morning at 3.30am and could not stop thinking. My brain was on overload. All I could think about was business.

Expanding a business internationally is not exactly the easiest task to undertake. It requires a lot more work than you think and some serious planning.

When a person has a big business goal, it can be all-consuming. It's a 24 hour, 7 day a week gig. And when you put that sort of effort into something, you are looking for one hell-of-a-return. I know I am!

Most entrepreneurs think about the end goal. What is it that they are trying to achieve. Then they work back from there. What steps need to be taken to achieve this goal.

To me, this is the norm, but what sets one successful person apart from the run-of-the-mill entrepreneur can often come down to a set of traits. So, what traits make a successful entrepreneur?



What can marketing ...

Yesterday, I spoke at Cebit 2014 on sales ...
How to flirt with your ...

Why marketing automation is more than just a ...
Why your clients hire ...

We hit the road running in Atlanta and ...
Some entrepreneurs are ...
It's a Saturday and I am sitting in my ...
How to define your ...

Driving down the streets of Munich, I looked ...
Leadership and the role ...

"Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to ...


The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward
The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward

What inspired me to write a ...

Change for the better
Change for the better

Logistics can be a tricky ...

50 Shades of Marketing
50 Shades of Marketing

I have a conspiracy theory ...

Find out what 'Creating Content to ...
Why Start-up's Fail - 10 Reasons To ...
Why Start-up's Fail - 10 Reasons To ...

Today, I am reminded yet ...


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New Websites

Case Study: BrightLine Solutions AtlantaMarketing Eye Atlanta was recently engaged by BrightLine Solutions in Atlanta to re-develop their rather new website incorporating more services, social media and a different look and feel.The company is based in both Atlanta and New York and was founded by serial entrepreneur Christy Brown. Specialising in Information Technology, Embedded Software Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Christy has paved a niche in her market and delivered a service that is both professional and unsurpassed by any of her competitors.