13 February 2025 Last updated at 03:25 GMT


What can marketing automation do for your business?

Yesterday, I spoke at Cebit 2014 on sales process automation.

It was an interesting topic because so many Australian companies have yet to realise just how much more efficient their sales process can be through sales automation and the ROI in terms of revenue acquired because of having an effective sales process automation system in place.

Collaborating CRM, marketing automation, workflow automation and email marketing, sales process automation is one of the most important areas for businesses to focus on in 2014. 


How to flirt with your customers

Why marketing automation is more than just a buzzword; it’s a way businesses can flirt with customers.

You walk in to your favourite restaurant and immediately, something beautiful captures your attention.  Summoning all of your courage, you walk over to that breathtaking prospect and begin your introduction.  I’ll stop you right there - I’m not talking about a man!  I’m describing a potential new client, and that instantaneous attraction of making a new connection.  Similar to dating, you must approach business like you would a potential mate. 

Yes, I’m encouraging you to flirt with your customers.


Why your clients hire you for the job and not someone else

We hit the road running in Atlanta and haven't looked back since.

In just six short months, we have embarked on changing the mindsets of many small businesses in Atlanta, that have been pressured by the Global Financial Crisis and are reluctant to ease their way out and invest in marketing.

As we know, many companies that increased their investment in marketing during this period grew significantly. It's just like when everyone is walking one way and you are walking the other. You all of a sudden stand out and people take notice of you. If they like what they see, then you make connections.

The past few months, we have been working with one of the most impressive companies in the US - Accretive Solutions. They provide consulting, staffing and outsourcing solutions to companies and have 11 offices throughout the country.

What impresses me most about Accretive Solutions is their people. If you ask any of their clients, they all say that it's their people that set Accretive Solutions apart from competitors. They don't hire juniors, and instead invest in people with experience and passion for doing challenging, interesting work.


How to define your target audience

Driving down the streets of Munich, I looked ahead to see three vehicles in a row. It immediately had me thinking - what makes one car stand out from the rest when every car has a purpose?

Simple. The car that stands out is the one that is best suited to you as an individual. Not the person sitting beside you. But you.


Leadership and the role marketing plays

"Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations." —Peter Drucker

If you look at Steve Jobs and his role as a leader and marketer at Apple Inc., it's easy to see how the two roles work closely together. Without marketing, no-one would be any the wiser about Steve Jobs role at Apple Inc nor would we have had the opportunity to be captivated by his performances each time he launched a new product. Instead, we would simply wait for a product to be on the shelves and without all the "sizzle" we probably would never have been as enticed to stand in line and buy each product the minute it was launched.

Some leaders fail to see the value in marketing, and although they may have a role in the organisation that is responsible for certain outcomes, they may see it more as a sales related function which is why it often falls under this umbrella.

Smart, insightful, charismatic, thought leaders understand the value of marketing. They use it and often abuse it to become leaders that everyone follows. Rather than focus solely on a product or service marketing campaign, they use it to elevate their position in the market with a double edge sword, by at the same time ensuring that the company brand and positioning benefits from association.

3 Ways Leaders Use Marketing 


Midwest Medical Enterprises Brings New Branded Medical Device To Market

A few years ago, I began travelling internationally once a month. While the jet lag had me struggling to keep awake in meetings, it was only secondary to my concern of swollen ankles which eventually extended right up my leg. It would take days to go down and I started experiencing pain that wouldn't go away.

I had a problem.



What can marketing ...

Yesterday, I spoke at Cebit 2014 on sales ...
How to flirt with your ...

Why marketing automation is more than just a ...
Why your clients hire ...

We hit the road running in Atlanta and ...
Some entrepreneurs are ...
It's a Saturday and I am sitting in my ...
How to define your ...

Driving down the streets of Munich, I looked ...
Leadership and the role ...

"Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to ...


The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward
The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward

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Change for the better
Change for the better

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50 Shades of Marketing

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Why Start-up's Fail - 10 Reasons To ...

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New Websites

Case Study: BrightLine Solutions AtlantaMarketing Eye Atlanta was recently engaged by BrightLine Solutions in Atlanta to re-develop their rather new website incorporating more services, social media and a different look and feel.The company is based in both Atlanta and New York and was founded by serial entrepreneur Christy Brown. Specialising in Information Technology, Embedded Software Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Christy has paved a niche in her market and delivered a service that is both professional and unsurpassed by any of her competitors.