22 October 2024 Last updated at 03:25 GMT

How to flirt with your customers

Why marketing automation is more than just a buzzword; it’s a way businesses can flirt with customers.

You walk in to your favourite restaurant and immediately, something beautiful captures your attention.  Summoning all of your courage, you walk over to that breathtaking prospect and begin your introduction.  I’ll stop you right there - I’m not talking about a man!  I’m describing a potential new client, and that instantaneous attraction of making a new connection.  Similar to dating, you must approach business like you would a potential mate. 

Yes, I’m encouraging you to flirt with your customers.

Marketing automation is your vehicle to woo and court business with every single element of the marketing mix taken in to account.  This software is a platform that allows you to create chemistry with your potential customer by enticing interaction on multiple levels.  It’s not a want but a need for you and your business.  And like any new relationship, at first marketing automation is difficult to navigate but if you remain patient with it, it is well worth the benefits.  It’s a system designed to simplify the lives of marketers, reduce headcount in your departments and increase return on your investment. Typically, businesses rely heavily on ROI and this system facilitates lead-to-revenue management, the foundation of most successful businesses. 

But what does this have to do with flirting?  Go back to the restaurant scenario.  Your prospect is now surrounded by a number of people, and with every step you take, more individuals approach them.  Although you are confident in your approach, the attention your prospect is attracting is making you second guess yourself.

You ask yourself: how can I gain the acknowledgement of this person?

The only way to catch their attention, you realise, is relating to them in a way that no-one else does. 

Due to the rapid rise of technology, we are swamped with information.  Imagine several people at that restaurant sending conflicting messages to your prospect.  No longer is there just one prospect to one marketer; marketing automation deals with this modern conundrum by offering a refined approach to relationship building, enabling you to appear as the only option in a sea of people.

The beauty of this system it treats the customer as knowledgeable.  They know what they want.  They’ve heard it all before.  In fact, few are ahead of their marketers.  Placing a heavy emphasis on analytics, marketing automation captures customer data; every web page they visit, tweet they send, link they click.  This information allows the marketer to understand their customer’s needs like never before and relate to them in a completely new way. Rather than lead their customers, marketers become part of their process; remembering - it does take two to flirt.

Marketing automation encourages the marketer to help the customer through their journey by educating them and listening to what they’re saying.  Sales have always been relationship-driven – that has not changed – but now our focus must be on building that relationship, using data to ‘flirt’ with our leads and churn out revenue.


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