13 February 2025 Last updated at 03:25 GMT

Are entrepreneurs missing the point?

Are-entrepreneurs-missing-the-pointWe think we have it all - a good business, people who follow us and even some who say they are inspired by us, yet have we really got it all sorted?

Entrepreneurs are unique. They have drive that comes from an inner place that very few people understand. Instead of laying in front of the television every night, entrepreneurs usually pick up their ipads or a good book and learn about how other entrepreneur became successful. Coffee on the go is essential and sitting still for too long usually means that there is something going wrong - or at least entrepreneurs think this is the case.

A conversation last week with a friend who is an absolute genius, had me thinking. Are entrepreneurs missing the point? He isn't necessarily an entrepreneur as he runs a Hedge Fund. More a money man. He knows how to make loads of money, more than you and I could ever imagine, and probably has a few experiences at losing it. They take risks that even the most passionate entrepreneur may think twice about. 

Anyway, he has not taken a holiday more than 10 days long in 10 years and never not checked the market on a daily basis. Imagine this... never turning off. Ever.

While over the years I have learned to turn off the minute I leave the office unless there is some crisis happening, I have succumbed more recently to being a person who is completely and utterly obsessesed by work. This always happens when I have a big goal to achieve but am I really more productive by working 7 days a week, 14 hours per day?

Little social life and less 'me time' has created a monster. I wake up at 4 am in the morning and get ready to go to the office. My dog is not getting enough attention and she certainly has put on a few kilos since I have been neglecting her needs as much as I have been neglecting my own.

We work so hard as entrepreneurs and if we are smart enough we learn to create a balance. Balance usually comes from happiness, but if you are anything like me, you are never really happy because once you achieve one goal, there is always another to be achieved.

Last night I watched The Voice. It is my treat to myself of late, because the show is so darn good. It also takes me to a place where I look at these talented singers and how much confidence they get from being on live television and singing in front of their idols. I also learn from the judges and how they interact with each other and the contestants. Seal and Joel Madden are exceptional sales people. They could both sell ice to an eskimo. They deliver their 'sales spiel' differently, but have the same outcome. No-one would have the strength to say no to either of them. Delta Goodrem is an amazing talent, but is no sales person. She is learning to communicate through talking rather than singing and finding it a struggle. I am sure she will mature and learn from the techniques that others use on the show to excelerate her pitch to get people to join her team.

Keith Urban is the 'consultative salesman' who is backed by a genuine approach to his subjects and is able to use his caring and sensitive side as well as star power to lure people on his team.

Taking time out is important. Whether it is watching The Voice on television or going on a mini-break. Take a few days here and there to recharge your batteries and identify what is important in life and how you can better look after your health and wellbeing to catapult your business to new heights.

3 Tips:

1. Have a health check. Check out www.irismedical.com.au - the most comprehensive health check in Australia. If you don't live in Melbourne, fly down to do it. It will be the best money you ever spent. Early detection is key and it might be something small that is hindering your overall performance like anemia (my issue!!!) or high blood pressure. Whatever it is, they will not only identify it for you but they will help you get back on track.

2.  Get 8 hours sleep. If it takes a few tablets to get you on track and into a routine of getting 8 hours sleep, then so be it. Not only will you feel better, your mind will be powered to think clearly and make good decisions without really trying.

3.  Exercise. Get a personal trainer or take up Yoga.

And after you have conquered that - take a holiday. I am off to Qualia for the weekend and I can't wait. No computer - just me, my bathers, some suncream and a good book.


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