13 February 2025 Last updated at 03:25 GMT

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Make-hay-while-the-sun-shinesOpportunities don't come past your desk everyday. Sometimes you have to work so hard to find an opportunity that when one lands on your lap, you don't really know what to do with it or you forget what it actually looks like.

There are so many things we all can relate "Make hay while the sun shines" to. Here are some that I think you should consider;

If someone offers you a chance to hang out on their farm for the weekend - do it!

It may not be a farm, but you know what I mean. It is amazing what the 'take home value' of putting yourself in unfamiliar places will achieve. It may be going for a long walk, and all of a sudden you see a log in the way, and you think about what logs are laying in your way in business, that are stopping you from getting to where you are going. Do you jump over the log, drag it out of the way, turn around and walk back? What do you do?

Children have the most amazing insight

I love children. I cannot get enough of them. They are pure sunshine. Their insights into life and people are incredible. I really wish I could still be as innocent as some of the beautiful children that are in my life. Yesterday, a friend of mine's little 5 year old girl rung me on her nannies phone to tell thank me for giving her Easter Eggs. She talked for at least 5 minutes without drawing breathe about how much she loved the eggs, and how her sibblings always wanted a smurf and now they have one, and how her younger brother loved the little skateboard toy in his Easter Egg. She was animated, excited, thankful and full of life. When I got off the phone, I thought to myself, "why can't adults do this?" My girlfriend Tess is always giving me flowers when I have had a bad day or a book or something equally as special and I am so thankful for it. But as adults, we tend to say thankyou, but we don't say to the person who we are thanking what something means to them. Tess, gave me flowers when I recently ended a relationship. I was down in the dumps and those flowers on my desk kept reminding me that there are people out there that are incredibly thoughtful and who mean the world to me and I mean something to them. They know how to show emotion and that they care. What I would have liked to say to her but didn't is that by her giving me those flowers, it gave me hope. It reminded me that there are people in the world and in particular in my life that take time out to think of others and not just themselves. That I am a good friend to her as she is to me. That something beautiful on your desk can bring a smile to your face even when you really don't feel like smiling. That this gesture changed my outlook for that day and put me in a positive thought process, even if it only lasted a few hours. This is what I meant to say, but instead, I said 'thank you'. The next time you go to say 'thank you' think of this story and see if you can really explain what that means.

A new deal is signed

One of my Sydney staff members rung me yesterday to say that she is signing up a client for a new website design and development. She also spoke to them about search engine optimisation and how they were intending on promoting the website once it has been launched. I was silently thrilled. Great work team! And that is exactly what I said. However, what I got out of that situation is that the business is working really well, without me. The entire team is growing at an exponential rate and are kicking goals day-in, day-out. They have all lifted to a new level and are ready to take ownership of the business moving forward. I learnt from this situation to have confidence in the team, that they will keep the business growing, as long as I support and celebrate their successes.

There are so many people worse off than you - so stop complaining

My cousin is the most wonderful person. I had dinner with him last night and as per usual, I was reminded that we should do this more often. He is the kindest, most gentle, smart and charitable person I know. He works with the community and in particular children from underprivileged environments and helps them understand that there are options in life that may look different to where they are currently heading. The way his mind works is incredible. He has written a paper on this topic and will be a speaker at a conference in Europe later this year discussing his findings with other people like him from around the world. He wants to make the world a better place for all. He provides education to other community workers on how they can better understand the people they deal with. He is a thought-leader who believes in change and wants to do more to help others less fortunate. Many entrepreneurs give to charities, but what else can you do? Can you give your time and your skills to a charity that needs it? Are you capable of using your abilities and connections to make a difference to the world we live in?

Being fit physically and mentally will keep you in good stead

Once again, my cousin reminded me that if you are fit physically and mentally, you really can do anything. To take time out for a jog each day, or to put a goal in front of you like running the New York Marathon or competing in a triathlon, will test your strength, determination and ability to reach, meet and exceed your expectations when it comes to goal setting. Being physically fit also helps your mental fitness and it contributes to your ability to get things done. Never underestimate the benefit of taking an hour out of your day to go for a walk, run, swim, gym or take a yoga class. Watch the difference in your work performance. You will be surprised.


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New Websites

Case Study: BrightLine Solutions AtlantaMarketing Eye Atlanta was recently engaged by BrightLine Solutions in Atlanta to re-develop their rather new website incorporating more services, social media and a different look and feel.The company is based in both Atlanta and New York and was founded by serial entrepreneur Christy Brown. Specialising in Information Technology, Embedded Software Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Christy has paved a niche in her market and delivered a service that is both professional and unsurpassed by any of her competitors.