22 February 2025 Last updated at 03:25 GMT


What is a #hashtag got to do with Twitter?

Yesterday at a breakfast hosted by Business Chicks, hundreds of women tweeted quotes from guest speaker Ita Buttrose.

The hashtag was #businesschicks and #itabuttrose. It's impact was for all to see, as the event was trending somewhere in the social media sphere and people who had never heard of Ita Buttrose from all over the world, were joining the 'trend' and retweeting tweets related to her speech. Such is the power of a #hashtag and of course, my favourite social media platform, Twitter.

What is a hashtag?


Jodie Foster: How to really communicate

I am not sure about you, but Jodie Foster is one of my all time favourite actresses. For me, she is an actress with integrity, talent and professionalism. Never has she sold her soul for a role and she is always the first to stand up for her friends. First it was Mel Gibson, then it was Robert Downey Jnr and now it is Kristen Stewart.


Retailers are struggling, so do we buy online?

Figures released last showed the worst retail growth in fifty years as consumers deserted shops again in the end of financial year sales.

The 1.6 per cent annual rise in spending is the worst result since 1961-62 - an era when there were no credit cards and shoppers used pounds, shillings and pence.

The Bureau of Statistics revealed sales for the normally strong month of June had fallen by 0.1 per cent, following an 0.6 per cent drop in May.

Here's my take...


How to manage egomaniacs in your office

I don't know about you, but egomaniacs scare the 'b'jesus out of me'. I am terrified of them, but still I find myself sucked into their web of soul destroying destruction.

As much as they are charming, good at 'selling a story' and surrounded by people, they are manipulative, obsessive and bullies.

By definition (Wikipedia), egomania is an obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness and feels a lack of appreciation. 


Who is the business person of the year?

If we believe what we read, then the world is stuffed. Literally. More debt than the Great Depression and unemployment is at an all time high - what else could we possibly be doing to destroy our world.

Yet, there are people who don't look down the barrel of pessimism and they continue on a path of global dominance and financial reward.


How a PR team got it right with Donna Hay

For 2 minutes I had to check my facebook account to see if I had access to a client's administration from my log-in and up pops a post from Donna Hay. For those of you that sleep under a rock, Donna Hay is probably the most famous and incredible Australian Chef around.


Marketing Strategies Don't Work By Themselves

It's fair to say that marketing strategies don't work by themselves. You can spend thousands of dollars having a marketing strategy written for your small business, but if it isn't implemented, it's not worth the paper it is written on.


Are your competitors, nipping at your tail?

There are thousands of marketing companies in Australia. They range from one-man bands, to small and mid tier agencies, right through to large multinationals.

For small businesses, it is very hard for many entrepreneurs or business managers to ascertain what is the best marketing solution for their business and what will help them get to the next level.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, it is paramount to understand our competitors and do the complete opposite to what they are doing.


A thing or two we can learn from Bieber, Maguire and Di Caprio

It's no different to Justin Bieber, the Venture Capitalist, reportedly having earned $108 million over the past two years investing in tech startups like Spotify - becoming complacent because you think you have made it or everything is going swimmingly well, could be your biggest downfall. 

Justin Bieber is more than a pretty face. He is that of course, but he is also well and truly aware that it may not last forever. Rather than just continue the ride, he is astutely embarked on a second career as a Venture Capitalist, ensuring that not only will he have a life after the good looks fade, but money to boot.


Things happen for a reason

There is a reason why this marketing blog has been neglected and it's not something that I particularly wanted to share.

And, to some extent, I won't.

However, today I received in the mail a book and it was a reminder that 'everything happens for a reason'.

I travelled around the world twice in six weeks for business and when you do such an exhaustive trip like that, twice, you immediately get a feeling that 'it had better be worth it'. Fortunately, it always is. Afterall, its a journey and when we embark on any journey with an open and honest mind, we move that step forward to realising whatever it is that we were meant to realise.



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Driving down the streets of Munich, I looked ...
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"Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to ...


The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward
The Food Stalker: Sandie Ward

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Change for the better
Change for the better

Logistics can be a tricky ...

50 Shades of Marketing
50 Shades of Marketing

I have a conspiracy theory ...

Find out what 'Creating Content to ...
Why Start-up's Fail - 10 Reasons To ...
Why Start-up's Fail - 10 Reasons To ...

Today, I am reminded yet ...


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Case Study: BrightLine Solutions AtlantaMarketing Eye Atlanta was recently engaged by BrightLine Solutions in Atlanta to re-develop their rather new website incorporating more services, social media and a different look and feel.The company is based in both Atlanta and New York and was founded by serial entrepreneur Christy Brown. Specialising in Information Technology, Embedded Software Engineering, Accounting and Finance, Christy has paved a niche in her market and delivered a service that is both professional and unsurpassed by any of her competitors.